Sunday, March 22, 2009

Subway reading

Alexandra Cespedes took the picture. She is also the artist.

I thought this picture was interesting to use for this post. This thinking about writing, and sending your words into the world. The yellow behind the book is the subway platform. The silver is a train. Which train? Who knows. I just know that my words are traveling, traveling into the world. It is a very humbling and vulnerable position, to think that my life is in someone's hands. That it can be in anyone's hands. Who knows who has bought the book and will pick it up and read it, and carry it with them in their bags, in their travels, to read while getting from here to there.

In other news, I am taking a writing workshop with Tracy K. Smith. Her workshop is titled: "Writing Across Cultures" -- it was supposed to be a cross-cultural writing workshop with poets from the Asian American Writer's workshop, but it's a nice colleciton of women of color who meet on Friday nights to read and talk about other people's poetry as well as our own. I am resistant a bit, if only because I haven't really been writing lately, but I hope the resistance wall will break open and I can take advantage of this opportunity. This week we're writing ghazals. I have a love/hate relationship with ghazals. I love the idea. I love them when they're done correctly. I don't always love the "write your name into the last couplet" section, as for some people with certain names can alter their name and not be so...obvious.

Okay...I'm trying to do too many things now. I hope your week ahead is fabulous!

1 comment:

Kathryn Stripling Byer said...

Hi DeLana, I'm hoping to feature you and your new book sometime during April on my laureate blog. I'll let you know when, ok? As for ghazals, I've done a couple, don't know that I want to do any more of them right away. They require just the right material, just the right energy. But, they are good practice, as so much formal work is, even if we end up throwing them in the trash! Tracy Smith sounds familiar. I think I may have met her....?