Thursday, July 10, 2008

neruda's questions

i pulled these questions out....

- "am i allowed to ask my book/ whether it's true i wrote it?"
-"is it because i must die/ or because it must die?"
-"do you have room for some thorns?/ they asked the rosebush."
="Whom does the magnolia fool/ with its fragrance of lemons?"
-"why do assemblies of umbrellas/ always occur in London?"
-"why does it not dawn in Bolivia/ after the night of Guevara?"
-"and does his assassinated heart/ search there for his assassins?"
-"will our life not be a tunnel/ between two vague clarities?"
-"What did the tree learn from the earth/ to be able to talk with the sky?"
-"who was she who made to love you/ in your dream, while you slept?"
-"did spring never deceive you/ with kisses that didn't blossom?"
-"what does it mean to persist/ on the alley of death?"
-"at dawn, which smooth syllables/ does the ocean air repel?"
-"with which stars do they go on speaking/ the rivers that never reach the sea?"
-"How do the seasons know/ they must change their skirts?"

Can you love me, syllabary,
and give me a meaningful kiss?

Is a dictionary a sepulchre
or a sealed honeycomb?

In which window did i remain
watching buried time?

Or is what i see from afar
what I have not yet lived?

1 comment:

OBermeo said...

thanks for posting this. i love neruda's "questions."