Saturday, July 19, 2008

Day 19, or so I'm leaving a day early

The time spent here has been glorious. It has given me a chance to really produce a lot of stuff, to push the limits of my writing, to just sit and breathe for a while. I'm not going to lie, part of me is ready to leave the space if only that I need a change of scenery. I mean, I need a little more wiggle room. I mean, sometimes a house can trap you despite the freedoms you find in it.

"Final Count" (as I don't believe I'm going to write anything else today. If I do, I'll update you)

43 poems
10 pages to my novel
a play ("The empty bowl")
a short story ("Some nights, only water")
the beginnings of an essay ("Cultural Amnesia")
and a total makeover of my book that's coming out in the Spring 09 ("How God Ends Us")

Yep. Now, I have to go and pack. I'll be in the city tonight.

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