Sunday, April 19, 2009

Back in NYC

I'm back in New York, and not a moment too soon. Today it was so beautiful outside. I broke out the sandals and dress. I had some work that I had to do that was due today so I decided if I was going to have to work, that at least I should look cute. So, I did. I went to a coffeeshop to grade papers. I ran into a friend there and chatted for a bit.

Another friend of mine had a BBQ in Brooklyn, and I was determined to make it, so that gave me some incentive to get everything done and in early so I didn't have to worry about anything later tonight. So I went over to brooklyn for some Uno and grilled veggies and meats and then another friend called for a movie tonight, Sugar, about a Dominican baseball player. It was a good movie, but I think a little too much to see late night, b/c it was all in subtitles. Then we walked around the city to grab a cup of coffee and then walked back to the train and headed home. I was surprised when I walked into my apartment and my clock said 2am. I'd had a full day: running, grading, bbqing, movies, etc.

Monday I have to enter the world of reality again. I've been off from my regular jobs for two weeks. One week was my tour, the other week my students were on vacation and I had the DC reading anyways. I don't know what I did with the days inbetween, but they passed. Now I have to figure out how to have the book in the world and be a regular citizen. A whole new game.

Right now I'm working on some interview questions for a friend. It is interesting to think about my work in a critical way. I never really thought about my work in these ways, but it's healthy and good. It gives me insight. It opens me up and opens my eyes. Maybe we can land the interview in a magazine. If not, look for links to his blog, soon.

In other news, I'm interested in seeing reviews/comments/etc about the book. I'm a bit anxious, to tell you the truth. It scares me a bit that people are out there formulating their own opinions about my work, and I cannot defend it. Not that I should have to, but you know.

I'm all over the place. Maybe it's because it's 2am and I had coffee all day. I doubt that I'm going to be able to run in the morning. Maybe walk to church. I haven't been there in a few weeks, and I find myself excited to get back there, as well.

More thoughts on my take on religion and writing later. A question for the interview got me to thinking. It might be a separate essay all together.

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