Tuesday, November 11, 2008

November Run-Down

I am applying again to grad school. It is a pressing time, begging folks for letters of recommendation, etc etc. I am happy that it hasn't been as hard as it could be, though there have been some noted (and perhaps, expected) bumps along the way.

I would like to post the list of potential schools, but I think not only is it dangerous to do so (yes, I said it) but also...jinxing it. Let's just say, I believe that this time around will be a good one.

In other news, the book! "How God Ends Us" is coming along smoothly. Everything according to plan and deadlines. The next step: I receive the typeset pages. I am supposed to send off my acknowledgments page. I promised them that on Monday. Maybe I am behind. Ugh. Tomorrow. That is my plan for tomorrow. While I already have one, I want to make everything is covered. I want to make sure everyone is properly thanked that should be.

Plans are in process for website development. And book party. I plan on having a multi-city launch. Part of the cool thing with the organization, the Poetry Initiative, that sponsored the prize is they put together a book launch. So I'll have a book launch at home. I'm trying to plan a book launch in NYC. Or two. Or several. Is that doing too much?

Other projects/things going on in my life at the moment: I've been doing a series of week-long poetry challenges with friends. It's good because I'm only really responsible for one week of poetry a month. The rest that happens, I'm thankful. Other than that, I don't freak out. And I still have pretty good progress towards things I'm working on.

I've put together a chapbook from my work this summer. I call it "kingdom: animalia". Someone suggested I look for an illustrator. I might do that. It could be a cool project. I'm also going to submit it to a couple of presses, maybe.

What else? I'm writing about Harlem for a larger "project" and in that, too, about NYC. It fascinates me, I guess you could say plainly. I'm taken by the city for reasons unknown. I'm taking that fascination and channeling it. And publishing it.

I treated myself to a poetry book today. It has been a while since I've treated myself to a poetry book. I was looking for Jericho Brown's book (which everyone has been drooling over) in the stores in NYC. Something about ordering books -- I'm so impatient. Anyways. I stopped in Strand and picked up a book since I couldn't find one that I wanted. Not to say the book I chose was a bad choice, it just wasn't what i was going for...but when the poetry appetite is roaring, it cannot go unfed. I picked up C. Dale Young's "The Second Person". I've never read anything of his. Which, this, too, is a treat. Sometimes I go and pick up books that I've never considered on my radar.

I'll post more about it as I read. I'm also reading 2 fiction books: The Secret Life of Bees and Claude McKay's Home to Harlem.

Other than that, just laying low, grading papers, teaching writing...educating the masses. I keep thinking: if I were 200 years removed, what I would be doing would be considered illegal. granted, my own education would be illegal. But just think: my whole being: writer, teacher who is both black and female, who teaches only students of color how to read, write, and articulate themselves...yes. I sort of like that.

Okay -- back to the grad school and work grind.

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