Saturday, November 24, 2007

thinking about the body

i've been immersed in several conversations with a new poet friend, about the body. well, i should say i've been having several conversations that lead me to think about the body as a vessel, and then that forces me to think about the body as a holder for the spirit. and if the spirit is only one created for that body, or if the spirit is one that goes from body to body. or if there are several spirits going around at once, claiming the new lives as they are born and exiting the old ones as they die...if there is some line of spirits waiting for each new pair of eyes. or if there is a spirit at all, although for me, that is not part of the conversation. it's how they operate, going with the pretense that they do, in fact, exist. this leads me to having this conversation in a series of poems. poems about the body. poems in the voices of spirits. i know it sounds crazy and aloof...i dont know where it will take me. but it's a hat i'm trying on for the moment. it's a new reason to get up and go off into the world and write, or walk 2 miles in the city to sit for hours in a coffee shop drinking chai tea and thinking about this body and its vessel-like qualities, and thinking about the things that pass through.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yes, i like the idea of being a vessel. :) love you lana!