Monday, November 12, 2007

change is my one constant

i can't say why i moved to blogspot. again. i can only say that perhaps something about xanga keeps turning me off. and the prospect of having a brand new name for a blog was enticing, and a new spot to visit was intriguing. kind of like getting a new journal. anyways. if you're interested, i'll link to my old blog, for now. i hope to update this one much more often. i have so much more to say. however, right now i'm up to my ears in student papers to grade, and my own poems to write, and this novel that i'm reading for sanity (you have to read one thing that has nothing to do with anything else to really stay mentally least in my world)...

i'll leave you wi
th a reading list of some poetry books i'm dipping into here and there

ross gay, agains
t which
aracelis girmay,
tricia smith, teahouse of the almighty
philip levine, wha
t work is
cyrus cassells,
the mud actor
sherry fairchok,
the palace of ashes
lydia melvin, sou
th of here
dunya mikhail,
the war works hard

and my novel by elias khoury, ga
te of the sun (about palestine, of course. yes, i'm back on writing about palestine, and with a most-keen eye that i never had before)

more more
t, lana.

(i'll also explain
the blog title.)

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