Thursday, May 22, 2008

feng shui?

so i've been in a funk lately.

i believe this funk has a lot to do both with the weather and why i haven't felt any sun on my shoulders yet, and with the energy that i've kept/keep around me.

i admitted this to a friend who said i should look into this book "clear your clutter with feng shui" and while this same friend suggested i read the secret and i've been rejecting it since, i did decide to hear her out on this one and went and bought the book.

it's interesting how it described your living space as containing 9 different aspects of your life. i did the chart based on my bedroom and realized i had clutter and poetry books where there should be "space" for relationships....and old clothes where there should be space for friendship...things that used to be clean are now a bit funky, where i had elders and family and creativity and projects...

next week i move and i have about 2 months before i'm secure in any one place so i can't really put this into too much work right now....but it's definitely something i'm going to consider - the way energy works and is blocked and stopped and held up.

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