Tuesday, August 19, 2008

and i snuck out at the last minute

So. I was supposed to be on punishment. I told several people I was putting myself on punishment, that I wasn't going to leave the house b/c of my punishment. Then at the last minute, right after I ate dinner, I put on my shoes and left. And went.

And it was like that party you hear about all week and talk to all your friends about and you think how you're going to get there w/o your parents knowing because they've already said no because you're on punishment and you sneak out of the house anyways, knowing that if you get caught the consequences are going to be higher...but you want to go b/c you know it's going to be hot and you don't want to be the only person in the world not at this party

then you get there and you are the only person at this party.

and you're like. i should have stayed on punishment and not wasted the risk.


1 comment:

Ann H. said...

I find your blog one of the most fascinating I've come across in a very long time. Thank you for taking the time to share all this with us...your readers.

Kindest Regards,

